Alice in Wonderland is a wonderfully creative story about a girl who gets lost in a very strange world full of mysterious creatures. The story first began in a book written by Lewis Carroll in 1865 called “Alices Adventures in Wonderland”. It was a story that Carroll told to three daughters of a friend, until they begged him to write it down. And Alice was born. “Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There” was Carroll’s second Alice book. After this, the story became so popular it was made into a slew of movies, the first silent movie in 1915 and then in 1933 with stars like W.C. Fields, Cary Grant, and Gary Cooper. The version of the movie most of us know the best would be the Disneys rendition in 1951. If you’re a fan of Alice and her friends, print these great coloring pages from multiple eras! Some other Disney favorites might be Jungle Book, 101 Dalmations, and Mickey Mouse.
Alice In Wonderland Coloring Pages