Nativity Coloring Pages are a great way to teach your children the true meaning of Christmas. The day that Christ was born. Setting up the Nativity scene was one of the most memorable Christmas traditions as a child. Coloring the nativity can be too. You can teach your children about Joseph and Mary’s ride to Bethlehem. They arrived late and there were no rooms at the inn left for them to stay. They had to stay in the barn with the animals. And that night baby Jesus was born. Since there was ‘no crib for a bed’ Mary wrapped him and lay him in a manger. The angels announced the savior’s birth to the shepherds and told to tell the people. And the three wise men came bearing gifts. You can go through Christmas songs and explain to your children how the songs tell the story of Christs birth. All while coloring. Enjoy the season with your children. There are coloring pages for young and old. There are more Christmas coloring pages, Christmas Trees, Charlie Brown Christmas. and more.
Nativity Coloring Pages