Pocahontas was truly special. Her power and intelligence to lead and her ability to choose whats right really came through in this amazing Disney film. As the daughter of the Powhatan chief, this came in handy when new people showed up. Follow her journey as she comes to know John Smith. The movie is full of fun, drama, and chill inducing musical numbers. You can also color more Disney princesses, like Moana, Elsa, Merida, Jasmine, Mulan, Tiana, Belle, Ariel, Cinderella, and Snow White.
Pocahontas Coloring Pages
Cute Mischievious Meeko Pocahontas Coloring PagePocahontas Waves Goodbye To John Smith Coloring PagePocahontas Talks To Grandmother Willow Coloring PagePocahontas Spies On John Smith Coloring PagePocahontas On The River Coloring PagePocahontas Movie Coloring PagePocahontas In The Wind Coloring PagePocahontas Dive Coloring PagePocahontas Coloring PagesPocahontas Coloring PagePocahontas And Meeko In The Boat Coloring PagePocahontas And Meeko Coloring PagePocahontas And John Smith With HawksPocahontas And John Smith Sit Under A Tree Coloring PagePocahontas And Her Father Coloring PagePocahontas And Grandmother Willow Coloring PagePocahontas And Flit Coloring PageMighty Meeko Pocahontas Coloroing PageMeekos Interested In Pocahontas Compass Coloring PageMeeko And Flit Help Pocahontas Coloring PageJohn Smith Is Gotten Out Of Worse Scrapes Than This Coloring PageJohn Smith And PocahontasFlit Is Protective Of Pocahontas Coloring Page